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B E F O R E   Y O U R   B R O W   P R O C E D U R E

Please refrain from all activities that may cause irritation of the skin or thinning of the blood prior to your appointment.  

For the FULL LIST click HERE


Arrive in good health

  • get plenty of rest

  • stay nourished

  • hydrate!! healthy hydrated skin accepts pigment  & heals better


Makeup or No Makeup?

Come to your appointment with your normal makeup on!  It helps to see how you currently style your brows, what you're used to and gives a clear reference point for how we want to improve.  We'll remove all makeup & cleanse brow area prior to beginning the procedure.



If you regularly get your eyebrows shaped, waxed, threaded or tinted, please refrain from doing so within at least one week of your appointment. If there are any stray hairs that fall outside of our final shape, we can remove them.







       blood thinners 

       vitamin E



       fish oil supplements​



Caffeinated beverages or supplements including energy drinks, many teas and even kombucha can also have caffeine


*Always consult your physician before discontinuing any medication*








  • NO CHEMICAL PEELS - Since peels vary one week may not be long enough especially with more intense peels so we recommend you inquire with the provider of peel to know exactly when your skin will be fully healed and proceed accordingly.  We will not be held responsible for work that disappears because skin was mid peel process without our knowledge.





While no downtime is required, there is a healing process during which color can vary and even flake or scab, so many clients prefer a few days of downtime following the procedure while we also have clients who return to work the same day.  When it comes to downtime its just a matter of preference.




If you have an event in your near future we recommend all cosmetic procedures be done 2-4 weeks before red carpet events, weddings, honeymoons, vacations, award shows or any special event/occasion ***especially if you plan to be in a tropical location with sun exposure*** 


We're happy to discuss the ideal time frame with you according to your specific plans.

You want to be completely healed with no time-crunch.  Wedding pics are forever!



Blemishes, acne, or skin irritations

If you are experiencing any blemishes, acne, or skin irritations leading up to your procedure please contact us.  It is up to the discretion of your artists to decide whether or not they have a workable surface.


Failure to communicate any of these may result in a cancellation or rescheduling of your appointment that may include loss of booking deposit.

Booking deposits are nonrefundable unless cancelation occurs within the policy window.



*Again, please ALWAYS consult your physician before discontinuing any medication.*





Microblading / Feather Stroke

brow mapping + custom shape 

Melissa's signature natural feather-stroke technique creates the look of fuller natural brow hairs.​


*nano shading available for clients who want even more density or have little existing brow hair


** additional fees apply for nano shading


Scalp Pigmentation

scalp pigmentation creates the illusion of fuller hair in areas of loss by tattooing 3D hair follicles where your follicles are missing.  


instant results + no down time

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Saline Removal


No more filling in your brows!

This technique is done with a machine

to achieves a natural soft powder look. By brushing the skin with a single nano needle, we build the pigment layer by layer producing a gradient of color from dark to light.

AFTER CARE Lip Blush Tattoo Microblading Studio City.jpeg

Saline Removal

non-invasive lightening of existing unwanted pigmentation without the use of lasers

AFTER CARE Lip Blush Tattoo Microblading Studio City.jpeg

Scar Camouflage

this wildly popular camouflage tattoo technique hides scars & stretch marks with skin tone pigmentation that Melissa custom formulates uniquely for you

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